What is your favorite political party?

Name Abbreviation Country Votes Share
Pirate Party Pirate Party P Iceland 0
Pirate Party Germany Pirate Party Germany PIRATEN Germany 0
Pirate Party Luxembourg Pirate Party Luxembourg PPLU Luxembourg 0
Place Publique Place Publique PP France 0
Plaid Cymru Plaid Cymru United Kingdom 0
Podemos Podemos PODEMOS Spain 0
Podemos Podemos PODE Brazil 0
Poland 2050 Poland 2050 PL2050 Poland 0
Polish People's Party Polish People's Party PSL Poland 0
Popular Action Popular Action AP Peru 0
Popular Democratic Party Popular Democratic Party PPD Puerto Rico 0
Portuguese Communist Party Portuguese Communist Party PCP Portugal 0
Progress Party Progress Party Frp Norway 0
Progressive Citizens' Party Progressive Citizens' Party FBP Liechtenstein 0
Progressive Federation Progressive Federation FP France 0
Progressive Party Progressive Party B Iceland 0
Progressive Party of Working People Progressive Party of Working People AKEL Cyprus 0
Progressive Slovakia Progressive Slovakia PS Slovakia 0
Prosperity Party Prosperity Party PP Ethiopia 0
Radical Party Radical Party RAD France 0
Radical Party of the Left Radical Party of the Left PRG France 0
Rastriya Prajatantra Party Rastriya Prajatantra Party RPP Nepal 0
Reconquête Reconquête R! France 0
Red Party Red Party R Norway 0
Red-Green Alliance Red-Green Alliance Ø Denmark 0

Your vote matters!

Hey there, political enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the dynamic world of politics? We've curated a list of the best political parties globally, and guess what? The power is in your hands! It's not just about discussing policies; we're giving you the chance to cast your vote for your favorite party. Whether you're into progressive policies, conservative values, or something in between, your voice matters. Let's make democracy more than just a buzzword - let's turn it into action! So, grab your virtual ballot, and let the voting frenzy begin. Because in this global poll, your opinion counts more than ever!

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