What is your favorite political party?

Name Abbreviation Country Votes Share
Democratic Party Democratic Party DP Mongolia 0
Democratic Party Democratic Party PD/DP Montenegro 0
Democratic Party Democratic Party DS Serbia 0
Democratic Party Democratic Party DIKO Cyprus 0
Democratic Party of Albania Democratic Party of Albania PD Albania 0
Democratic Party of Socialists Democratic Party of Socialists DPS Montenegro 0
Democratic Party of Turkmenistan Democratic Party of Turkmenistan TDP Turkmenistan 0
Democratic Patriotic Movement - Victory Democratic Patriotic Movement - Victory NIKI Greece 0
Democratic People's Party Democratic People's Party DNP Montenegro 0
Democratic Progressive Party Democratic Progressive Party DPP Taiwan 0
Democratic Rally Democratic Rally DISY Cyprus 0
Democratic Union for Integration Democratic Union for Integration DUI North Macedonia 0
Democratic Unionist Party Democratic Unionist Party DUP United Kingdom 0
Democrats 66 Democrats 66 D66 Netherlands 0
Democrats for Andorra Democrats for Andorra DA Andorra 0
Denmark Democrats Denmark Democrats Æ Denmark 0
Dialogue for Hungary Dialogue for Hungary PM Hungary 0
Die Linke Die Linke LINKE Germany 0
Die PARTEI Die PARTEI Germany 0
Direction - Social Democracy Direction - Social Democracy SMER-SD Slovakia 0
Dovira Dovira HD Ukraine 0
Ecolo Ecolo Belgium 0
Ecological Democratic Party Ecological Democratic Party ÖDP Germany 0
Ecological Revolution for the Living Ecological Revolution for the Living REV France 0
Ecological Uprising Ecological Uprising Serbia 0

Your vote matters!

Hey there, political enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the dynamic world of politics? We've curated a list of the best political parties globally, and guess what? The power is in your hands! It's not just about discussing policies; we're giving you the chance to cast your vote for your favorite party. Whether you're into progressive policies, conservative values, or something in between, your voice matters. Let's make democracy more than just a buzzword - let's turn it into action! So, grab your virtual ballot, and let the voting frenzy begin. Because in this global poll, your opinion counts more than ever!

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