What is your favorite political party?

Name Abbreviation Country Votes Share
Ecologist Green Party of Mexico Ecologist Green Party of Mexico PVEM Mexico 0
Ecologist Party Ecologist Party PE France 0
Ecology Generation Ecology Generation GE France 0
Ecosocialist Left Ecosocialist Left GES France 0
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania - Christian Families Alliance Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania - Christian Families Alliance LLRA–KŠS Lithuania 0
En Commun En Commun EC France 0
Estonia 200 Estonia 200 E200 Estonia 0
Estonian Centre Party Estonian Centre Party KE Estonia 0
Estonian Reform Party Estonian Reform Party RE Estonia 0
Europe Now! Europe Now! PES! Montenegro 0
European Solidarity European Solidarity YeS Ukraine 0
Evangelical People's Party Evangelical People's Party EVP Switzerland 0
Family Party of Germany Family Party of Germany Familie Germany 0
Farmer-Citizen Movement Farmer-Citizen Movement BBB Netherlands 0
Fatherland Fatherland VOB Ukraine 0
Fatherland Fatherland I Estonia 0
FDP. The Liberals FDP. The Liberals FDP/PLR Switzerland 0
Felicity Party Felicity Party SP Turkey 0
Fianna Fáil Fianna Fáil FF Ireland 0
Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Alliance Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Alliance Fidesz Hungary 0
Fine Gael Fine Gael FG Ireland 0
Finns Party Finns Party PS Finland 0
Five Star Movement Five Star Movement M5S Italy 0
For Stability! For Stability! S! Latvia 0

Your vote matters!

Hey there, political enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the dynamic world of politics? We've curated a list of the best political parties globally, and guess what? The power is in your hands! It's not just about discussing policies; we're giving you the chance to cast your vote for your favorite party. Whether you're into progressive policies, conservative values, or something in between, your voice matters. Let's make democracy more than just a buzzword - let's turn it into action! So, grab your virtual ballot, and let the voting frenzy begin. Because in this global poll, your opinion counts more than ever!

Best Political Parties

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