What is your favorite political party?

Name Abbreviation Country Votes Share
For the Future For the Future ZM Ukraine 0
Force of the Right Force of the Right FD Romania 0
Forum for Democracy Forum for Democracy FvD Netherlands 0
Forward Forward Belgium 0
Forza Italia Forza Italia FI Italy 0
FREE FREE L Portugal 0
Free Democratic Party Free Democratic Party FDP Germany 0
Free Egyptians Party Free Egyptians Party FEP Egypt 0
Free Voters Free Voters FW Germany 0
Freedom and Direct Democracy Freedom and Direct Democracy SPD Czechia 0
Freedom and Solidarity Freedom and Solidarity SaS Slovakia 0
Freedom Movement Freedom Movement GS Slovenia 0
Freedom Party Freedom Party LP Lithuania 0
Freedom Party of Albania Freedom Party of Albania PL Albania 0
Freedom Party of Austria Freedom Party of Austria FPÖ Austria 0
French Communist Party French Communist Party PCF France 0
French Future French Future LAF France 0
Galician Nationalist Bloc Galician Nationalist Bloc BNG Spain 0
Génération.s Génération.s France 0
Georgian Dream Georgian Dream GD Georgia 0
German Centre Party German Centre Party ZENTRUM Germany 0
Golkar Party Golkar Party Indonesia 0
Good Party Good Party İYİ Parti Turkey 0
Greek Solution Greek Solution EL Greece 0
Green Green Belgium 0

Your vote matters!

Hey there, political enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the dynamic world of politics? We've curated a list of the best political parties globally, and guess what? The power is in your hands! It's not just about discussing policies; we're giving you the chance to cast your vote for your favorite party. Whether you're into progressive policies, conservative values, or something in between, your voice matters. Let's make democracy more than just a buzzword - let's turn it into action! So, grab your virtual ballot, and let the voting frenzy begin. Because in this global poll, your opinion counts more than ever!

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